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Host a Green Event

In 2019, the Staff Sustainability Network collaborated with UC San Diego Sustainability to develop these guidelines to make the Annual Staff Summer Celebration a zero-waste event and achieved a 97% diversion rate. Help UC San Diego reach its waste diversion goals by making your next conference, seminar or training session a zero-waste event.

What is Zero Waste?

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Waste is anything at your event that you must throw away, including, but not limited to: food, dinnerware (plates, cups, utensils and napkins), brochures, giveaways/promotional items, decorations, centerpieces, signage, raffle tickets, wrappers, beverage bottles and cans. You can achieve zero waste by reusing, recycling, reducing and composting.


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  • Be proactive about making your event zero waste. Start by telling everyone (caters, vendors, people tabling and attendees) that your event is zero waste.
  • Digitally market your event. This includes social media, websites, Eventbrite and campus marquees. See University Center's Digital Announcement
  • Use QR Codes wherever possible. Attendees can scan them with a smartphone camera.
  • Register for Basic Needs’ Free Food Notification App to send a message to students when leftover food from events is available.
  • Choose eco-friendly vendors to help reduce waste during your event. Work with caterers to see if they can provide zero-waste options.
  • Know what disposable items will be at your event and how to recycle and properly dispose of waste. Ask caterers what type of dinnerware they provide and vendors/people tabling what materials they will be distributing.
  • Provide proper (waste, recycling, composting and specialty) receptacles in strategic locations.
    • Limit the number of locations to reduce confusion.
    • Recycling bins are usually located in training and meeting rooms, but for larger events, you can order more from Facilities Management.
    • Assign and train volunteers to each location to assist in proper disposal.
    • If necessary, request/create signage to let attendees know which disposables go where.
    • Determine who is responsible for emptying receptacles. Agree before the event who will weigh the waste streams and how immediately following the event.

Food Service

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  • Whenever possible, avoid:
    • Individual serving-size items (e.g., water bottles, soda cans, chip or cookie bags, wrapped popsicles or candy bars, wrapped utensil sets).
    • Cellophane wrap. It is not recyclable in single-stream (blue) recycling bins and must be either disposed of as trash or collected separately and taken to an off-campus location that accepts plastic film.
    • Polyactic acid (PLA) products. PLA is a vegetable based plastic that is not recyclable. It is biodegradable under the proper conditions, however it requires additional processing to break down.
    • Bleached paper products. This most commonly includes plates and napkins.
  • Given the opportunity, choose or request:
    • Housing*Dining*Hospitality Catering that provides available options to make your event zero waste.
    • Reusable if the option is available and affordable (e.g., dinnerware, platters, beverage and condiment dispensers).
    • Disposable items that are:
      • Recyclable: Plastic dinnerware, aluminum foil, bottles and cans
      • Compostable: Brown paper dinnerware, wooden utensils and stirrers, tea bags, sugar packets
    • Plant-based items to make your event vegetarian or vegan.


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  • Encourage reuse of common supplies, such as tablecloths, decorations, games and props
  • Avoid single-use items, like balloons, streamers, printed event materials with specific dates, locations, etc.
  • Handouts: print smaller, double-sided flyers (1/4 letter sheet) to maximize space, or print one flyer with a QR code that links to a webpage so attendees can scan with a smartphone.
  • Giveaways/Promotional items:
    • Consider what material giveaways are composed of and which bin they should be placed in if they need to be disposed of.
    • When ordering giveaways, ask the supplier for reduced packaging. Do not order individually wrapped items.
    • Remove giveaways from any excess packaging and ask the event coordinator if they have a collection for that type of material.
    • Ensure that attendees know how to dispose of items when they're done with them.
    • Don't force attendees to take anything they don't want or won't use.
  • Ideally, anything you bring to the event should leave with you.
  • Be creative and fun while keeping items out of the landfill!

See Resources


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  • Bring reusable bags, beverage containers and utensils.
  • Don't take or accept single-use items or those you don't plan to use
  • Know how to dispose of items properly and pay attention to recycling/waste signage.
  • Use digital resources, such as ticketing, event details and directions. Use your phone to capture information instead of taking flyers, brochures, business cards, etc.


If you have questions about hosting a zero waste event, contact